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摘要:文章摘要:Every November, when the sugarcane harvest comes to the Zhuotian riverplains, the locals practice a sweet tradition: making brown sugar with methods handed down from the Tang dynasty(618 – 907). Pressing sticky juice into vat
文章摘要:Every November, when the sugarcane harvest comes to the Zhuotian riverplains, the locals practice a sweet tradition: making brown sugar with methods handed down from the Tang dynasty(618 – 907). Pressing sticky juice into vats boiled at high temperature, sugar-makers perform backbreaking work, but there are few jobs that produce happier results—as shown by the smiles of children when they sample the first sweet treat of winter.
论文作者:李国潮 HATTY LIU
论文分类号: H195.5
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文章来源:《法制与经济》 网址: http://www.fzyjjzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/1213/2244.html